Tassie Tales

A visual diary of life in Tasmania from Larry & Jo Holt

Friday, July 29, 2005

What price do you put on real friends?

Our bithdays are well and truly over now. I mean we celebrated them back in the first week of July. Mine is two days after Jo's, but she is a lttle older than me! What brought our birthdays back to mind was a parcel that arrived today. It came from a couple of really good friends of ours back in Warrnambool. Jason and Tania sent us both a gift each and also included a packet mix cake for us to make, some candles and some balloons to celebrate with. Tania has always been known for going that extra mile. Her custom is that whenever someone celebrates a birthday she gives them a hand written scroll full of encouragament and promises from the Word of God. I now have several of these scrolls and I have kept everyone of them. Occassionally I get them out and read them.

Tania and Jason have for a long time been great friends to us. They stood with us faithfully when we were going through a painful period of transition. They were always available, they always hoped, they always believed the best of us, they never gave up on us even though others did. They were always patient and kind and always spoke words of life and faith to us. They are both good friends. The parcel that arrived today caused me to refelect again on the value of friends. What sort of a friend am I? Am I taking the time to invest in friendships that willl last the distance.

I want to say thank you to both Jason and Tania. You are good friends and it is an honour and a privilege to know you both.

Larry & Jo


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